Nothing too exciting here. The original parking brake bracket which used to bolt to the crossmember was
too short to reach now since the crossmember moved forward. I welded an extension bracket that moved
it about 6" back.

The cables coming out of the backing plates were stretched tight in their original positions just sitting still.
I moved the cable mounts back about 4" so when the rear axle moves they won't bind it up. I tested the brake and it stayed on so I need to get into the rear drums to see whats up with that. At least they work.
And after doing this, the parking cable was froze in its housing. :(
Here the exposed cable ( in the above picture) was coated with anti seize
and pulled through with line pliers. Then the pulled out portion was
anti seized and pulled back thru.
They loosened up after a couple times
After this, make sure that NO anti seize is left in the brake drum
it will render the brakes nearly useless. (not that they are great right now)
Spray down EVERYTHING with brake cleaner to get off dirt, and grease that may have
gotten in there. If the shoes are greasy or oily, replace them.
TODO LIST: (seems big, just smaller stuff now)
Oil filter housing replacement, transfer shifter handles, rear driveshaft lengthened 3" +/-, front driveshaft shortened 3"+/-,rear brake line, adjust rear parking brake, check front master cylinder and slaves after rear brake line, alternator, plug back in dash / hvac controls and clean up wiring, rear light wiring.
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